
What kind of events would be stored in the table? Will you be writing an event 
when a device connects and another when it disconnects or will you write a 
single event after the device finally disconnects? Also, for your queries, do 
you want ad-hoc start and end times or do you have a known fixed sized interval 
that could be used to put these events into buckets? How many events would you 
expect during a fixed interval or how many events per second? Do you know all 
of the ways that you want to query this data? You may want to write the events 
out to separate tables in order to satisfy those queries.


Eric R Medley

> On Apr 1, 2015, at 10:54 AM, Firdousi Farozan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My requirement is to design a table for historical state information (not 
> exactly time-series). For ex: I have devices connecting and disconnecting to 
> the management platform. I want to know the details such as (name, mac, os, 
> image, etc.) for all devices connected to the management platform in a given 
> interval (start and end time).
> Any help on table design for this use-case?
> Regards,
> Firdousi

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