Did the original patch make it into upstream? That's unclear. If so, what
was the JIRA #? Have you filed a JIRA for the new problem?

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Robert Wille <rwi...@fold3.com> wrote:

> Back in 2.0.4 or 2.0.5 I ran into a problem with delete-only workloads. If
> I did lots of deletes and no upserts, Cassandra would report that the
> memtable was 0 bytes because an accounting error. The memtable would never
> flush and Cassandra would eventually die. Someone was kind enough to create
> a patch, which seemed to have fixed the problem, but last night it reared
> its ugly head.
> I’m now running 2.0.14. I ran a cleanup process on my cluster (10 nodes,
> RF=3, CL=1). The workload was pretty light, because this cleanup process is
> single-threaded and does everything synchronously. It was performing 4
> reads per second and about 3000 deletes per second. Over the course of many
> hours, heap slowly grew on all nodes. CPU utilization also increased as GC
> consumed an ever-increasing amount of time. Eventually a couple of nodes
> shed 3.5 GB of their 7.5 GB. Other nodes weren’t so fortunate and started
> flapping due to 30 second GC pauses.
> The workaround is pretty simple. This cleanup process can simply write a
> dummy record with a TTL periodically so that Cassandra can flush its
> memtables and function properly. However, I think this probably ought to be
> fixed. Delete-only workloads can’t be that rare. I can’t be the only one
> that needs to go through and cleanup their tables.
> Robert

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