Hi Fabrice,

Have you considered using "each_quorum" instead of "all"?

Each_quorum will require replies from a quorum of nodes from all datacenters.

This could be used either:
Producer using each_quorum and consumer local_quroum. (better read latencies at the cost of write latencies)


Producer using local_quorum and consumer each_quorum. (better write latencies at the cost of read latencies)

Marcus Olsson

On 06/02/2015 01:00 PM, Fabrice Douchant wrote:

Hi everyone.

For a project, we use a Cassandra cluster in order to have fast reads/writes on a large number of (column oriented) generated data.

Until now, we only had 1 datacenter for prototyping.

We now plan to split our cluster in 2 datacenters to meet performance requirements (the data transfer between both datacenter is quite slow):

datacenter #1 : located near our data producer services : intensively writes all data in Cassandra periodically (each writes has a “run_id” column in its primary key)

datacenter #2 : located near our data consumer services: intensively reads all data produced by datacenter #1 for a given “run _id”.

However, we would like our consumer services to access data only in the datacenter near them (datacenter #2) and when all data for a given “run_id” have been completely replicated from datacenter #1 (data generated by the producer services).

My question is : how can we ensure that all data have been replicated in datancenter #2 before telling producer services (near datacenter #2) to start using them ?

Our best solutions so far (but still not good enough :-P):

producer services (datacenter #1) writes in consistency “all”. But this leads to poor partitioning failure tolerance AND really bad writes performances.

producer services (datacenter #1) writes in consistency “local_quorum” and a last “run finished” value could be written in consistency “all”. But it seems Cassandra does not ensure replication ordering.

Do you have any suggestion ?

Thanks a lot,


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