Fabien, thanks for the reply. We do have Thrift enabled. From what I can
tell, the "Could not retrieve endpoint ranges:" crops up under various

>From further reading on sstableloader, it occurred to me that it might be a
safer bet to use the JMX StorageService bulkLoad command, considering that
the data to import was already on one of the Cassandra nodes, just in an
arbitrary directory outside the Cassandra data directories.

I was able to get this bulkLoad command to fail with a message that the
directory structure did not follow the expected keyspace/table/ pattern. So
I created a keyspace directory and then a table directory within that and
moved all the files under the table directory. Executed bulkLoad, passing
in that directory. It succeeded.

Then I went and ran a nodetool refresh on the table in question.

Only one problem. If I then went to query the table for, well, anything,
nothing came back. And this was after successfully querying the table
before and truncating the table just prior to the bulkLoad, so that I knew
that only the data coming from the bulkLoad could show up there.

Oh, and for good measure, I stopped and started all the nodes too. No luck

What's puzzling about this is that the bulkLoad silently succeeds, even
though it doesn't appear to be doing anything. I haven't bothered yet to
check the Cassandra logs.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Fabien Rousseau <fabifab...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I already got this error on a 2.1 clusters because thrift was disabled. So
> you should check that thrift is enabled and accessible from the
> sstableloader process.
> Hope this help
> Fabien
> Le 19 juin 2015 05:44, "Mitch Gitman" <mgit...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> I'm using sstableloader to bulk-load a table from one cluster to another.
>> I can't just copy sstables because the clusters have different topologies.
>> While we're looking to upgrade soon to Cassandra 2.0.x, we're on Cassandra
>> 1.2.19. The source data comes from a "nodetool snapshot."
>> Here's the command I ran:
>> Here's the result I got:
>> Could not retrieve endpoint ranges:
>>  -pr,--principal                       kerberos principal
>>  -k,--keytab                           keytab location
>>  --ssl-keystore                        ssl keystore location
>>  --ssl-keystore-password               ssl keystore password
>>  --ssl-keystore-type                   ssl keystore type
>>  --ssl-truststore                      ssl truststore location
>>  --ssl-truststore-password             ssl truststore password
>>  --ssl-truststore-type                 ssl truststore type
>> Not sure what to make of this, what with the hints at security arguments
>> that pop up. The source and destination clusters have no security.
>> Hoping this might ring a bell with someone out there.

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