On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Saladi Naidu <naidusp2...@yahoo.com>

> We are running Apache Cassandra 2.1.9. In one of our Column Family, we
> have MAP type column. We are seeing unusual data size of the column family
> (SSTables) with few 1000's of rows, while debugging, I looked at one of the
> SSTable and I see some unusual data in it

> 2. After Key Value pair,  I see Cluster Column style data in MAP with a
> "t" marker in between, this is literally repeated millions of cells -
> *all_products:_","all_products:!",1442797965371999,"t",1442797965*

(thx to driftx@IRC for the link to...)

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10505 /

" Range tombstones not purged during compaction / Duplicate range
tombstones "

It looks like you will need to wait for the next 2.1.x release for a fix. :)


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