
This is how I interpret the implications of the 3 steps you suggested.Please 
confirm my interpretation as this is really important.

Suppose, gc grace seconds=10days, max hinted handoff period=3 hrs, 3 nodes are 
there A,B & C,RF =3 and my client is reading at CL ONE. C remains down for 5 
hours and misses many updates including those which happened after max hinted 
handoff period of 3 hrs. Now I bring back node C with auto_bootstrap false and 
run repair. If client queries at CL ONE and fetches a row which got updated 
after max hinted handoff period, there is a very high possibility of client 
returning stale data  from node C . But as soon as node C has joined the ring, 
it will start participating in WRITEs.

But if we follow the procedure you suggested, node C will come back, run repair 
but wont participate in reads till we join it to the cluster. During repair, if 
client queries at CL ONE and fetches a row which got updated after max hinted 
handoff period expired and was missed by node C, it will still get latest data 
from A and B. So, the integrity of data is not lost similar to the case when we 
auto_bootsrap with true. Additionally we save the unique data of node C. While 
repair is going on, node C will get all the Writes. 


Hinted handoffs are not related to gc grace seconds.



Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"Anishek Agarwal" <>
Date:Wed, 18 Nov, 2015 at 1:49 pm
Subject:Re: handling down node cassandra 2.0.15

@Rob interesting something i will try next time, for step 3 you mentioned -- I 
just remove the -Dcassandra.join_ring=false option and restart the cassandra 

@Anuj, gc_grace_seconds dictates how long hinted handoff are stored right. 
These might be good where we explicitly delete values from the table. we just 
have ttl and DTCS should delete data older than 1 month. In this case do i need 
to wipe the node and then start copy of key space again ? or can i run a repair 
once it joins the right with auto_bootstrap=false.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 1:20 AM, Robert Coli <> wrote:

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 4:33 AM, Anuj Wadehra <> wrote:

Only if gc_grace_seconds havent passed since the failure. If your machine is 
down for more than gc_grace_seconds you need to delete the data directory and 
go with auto bootstrap = true .

Since CASSANDRA-6961 you can :

1) bring up the node with join_ring=false

2) repair it

3) join it to the cluster

This prevents you from decreasing your unique replica count, which is usually a 
good thing!


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