Sorry to nitpick, but Cassandra is not a columnar database.  If you're
looking for columnar because you have an analytics need, Cassandra is not
what you want.  If you've just made the same mistake that 99% of people
make, well, now you know.  Cassandra historically has been referred to as a
"Column Family" data store, which is easily mistaken for columnar.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 3:21 AM Bhuvan Rawal <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Im planning to shift from SQL database to a columnar nosql database, we
> have streamlined our choices to Cassandra and HBase. I would really
> appreciate if someone decent experience with both give me a honest
> comparison on below parameters (links to neutral benchmarks/blogs also
> appreciated):
> 1. Data Consistency (Eventual consistency allowed but define "eventual")
> 2. Ease of Scaling Up
> 3. Managebility
> 4. Failure Recovery options
> 5. Secondary Indexing
> 6. Data Aggregation
> 7. Query Language (3rd party wrapper solutions also allowed)
> 8. Security
> 9. *Commercial Support for quick solutions to issues*.
> 10. Run batch job on data like map reduce or some common aggregation
> functions using row scan. Any other packages for cassandra to achieve this?
> 11. Trigger specific updates on tables used for secondary index.
> 12. Please consider that our DB will be the source of truth, with no
> specific requirement of immediate data consistency amongst nodes.
> Regards,
> Bhuvan Rawal

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