How many partition keys exists for the table which shows this problem (or
provide nodetool cfstats for that table)?

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:38 AM, daemeon reiydelle <>

> The bloom filter buckets the values in a small number of buckets. I have
> been surprised by how many cases I see with large cardinality where a few
> values populate a given bloom leaf, resulting in high false positives, and
> a surprising impact on latencies!
> Are you seeing 2:1 ranges between mean and worse case latencies (allowing
> for gc times)?
> Daemeon Reiydelle
> On Feb 18, 2016 8:57 AM, "Tyler Hobbs" <> wrote:
>> You can try slightly lowering the bloom_filter_fp_chance on your table.
>> Otherwise, it's possible that you're repeatedly querying one or two
>> partitions that always trigger a bloom filter false positive.  You could
>> try manually tracing a few queries on this table (for non-existent
>> partitions) to see if the bloom filter rejects them.
>> Depending on your Cassandra version, your false positive ratio could be
>> inaccurate:
>> There are also a couple of recent improvements to bloom filters:
>> *
>> *
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Anishek Agarwal <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have a table with composite partition key with humungous cardinality,
>>> its a combination of (long,long). On the table we have
>>> bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000.
>>> On doing "nodetool cfstats" on the 5 nodes we have in the cluster we are
>>> seeing  "Bloom filter false ratio:" in the range of 0.7 -0.9.
>>> I thought over time the bloom filter would adjust to the key space
>>> cardinality, we have been running the cluster for a long time now but have
>>> added significant traffic from Jan this year, which would not lead to
>>> writes in the db but would lead to high reads to see if are any values.
>>> Are there any settings that can be changed to allow better ratio.
>>> Thanks
>>> Anishek
>> --
>> Tyler Hobbs
>> DataStax <>

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