Yes. Here are the steps.
You will have to change the DC Names first.
DC1 and DC2 would be independent clusters.

Create a new DC, DC3 and include these two DC's on DC3.

This should work well.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:03 PM, Clint Martin <> wrote:

> When you say you have two logical DC both with the same name are you
> saying that you have two clusters of servers both with the same DC name,
> nether of which currently talk to each other? IE they are two separate
> rings?
> Or do you mean that you have two keyspaces in one cluster?
> Or?
> Clint
> On Mar 14, 2016 2:11 AM, "Anishek Agarwal" <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are using cassandra 2.0.17 and have two logical DC having different
>> Keyspaces but both having same logical name DC1.
>> we want to setup another cassandra cluster for analytics which should get
>> data from both the above DC.
>> if we setup the new DC with name DC2 and follow the steps
>> will it work ?
>> I would think we would have to first change the names of existing
>> clusters to have to different names and then go with adding another dc
>> getting data from these?
>> Also as soon as we add the node the data starts moving... this will all
>> be only real time changes done to the cluster right ? we still have to do
>> the rebuild to get the data for tokens for node in new cluster ?
>> Thanks
>> Anishek

"In this world, you either have an excuse or a story. I preferred to have a

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