Thanks Ben, Paul, Alain.  I debug at client side find the reason is
pub_timestamp duplicated.  I will use timeuuid instead.


2016-06-15 13:09 GMT+08:00 Alain Rastoul <>:

> On 15/06/2016 06:40, linbo liao wrote:
>> I am not sure, but looks it will cause the update other than insert. If
>> it is true, the only way is request includes IF NOT EXISTS, inform the
>> client it failed?
>> Thanks,
>> Linbo
>> Hi Linbo,
> +1 with what Ben said, timestamp has a millisecond precision and is a bad
> choice for making PK unicity.
> If your client and server are on the same physical machine (both on same
> computer or different vms on same hypervisor), insert duration can go down
> to very few microseconds (2~3 on a recent computer).
> Your insert will/should often become "update".
> The reason is that update does not exists in cassandra, neither delete,
> they are just "appends":  append with same key for update or append of a
> tombstone for delete.
> You should try to use a timeuuid instead, it has a node, clock sequence, a
> counter plus the timestamp part that you can get with cql functions, and it
> exists for that use.
> see here for the functions
> --
> best,
> Alain

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