
As Spark is an example of something I really don't want. It's resource heavy, 
it involves copying data and it involves managing yet another distributed 
system. Actually I would also need a distributed system to schedule the spark 
jobs also.

Sounds like a nightmare to implement a compression method. Might as well run 

  - Micke

----- Original Message -----
From: "DuyHai Doan" <doanduy...@gmail.com>
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 11:26:09 PM
Subject: Re: Merging cells in compaction / compression?

Look like you're asking for some sort of ETL on your C* data, why not use
Spark to compress those data into blobs and use User-Defined-Function to
explode them when reading ?

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:08 PM, Michael Burman <mibur...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> No, I don't want to lose precision (if that's what you meant), but if you
> meant just storing them in a larger bucket (which I could decompress either
> on client side or server side). To clarify, it could be like:
> 04082016T230215.1234, value
> 04082016T230225.4321, value
> 04082016T230235.2563, value
> 04082016T230245.1145, value
> 04082016T230255.0204, value
> ->
> 04082016T230200 -> blob (that has all the points for this minute stored -
> no data is lost to aggregated avgs or sums or anything).
> That's acceptable, of course the prettiest solution would be to keep this
> hidden from a client so it would see while decompressing the original rows
> (like with byte[] compressors), but this is acceptable for my use-case. If
> this is what you meant, then yes.
>   -  Micke
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Stevens" <migh...@gmail.com>
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 10:26:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Merging cells in compaction / compression?
> When you say merge cells, do you mean re-aggregating the data into courser
> time buckets?
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 5:59 AM Michael Burman <mibur...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Considering the following example structure:
> >
> > CREATE TABLE data (
> > metric text,
> > value double,
> > time timestamp,
> > PRIMARY KEY((metric), time)
> >
> > The natural inserting order is metric, value, timestamp pairs, one
> > metric/value pair per second for example. That means creating more and
> more
> > cells to the same partition, which creates a large amount of overhead and
> > reduces the compression ratio of LZ4 & Deflate (LZ4 reaches ~0.26 and
> > Deflate ~0.10 ratios in some of the examples I've run). Now, to improve
> > compression ratio, how could I merge the cells on the actual Cassandra
> > node? I looked at ICompress and it provides only byte-level compression.
> >
> > Could I do this on the compaction phase, by extending the
> > DateTieredCompaction for example? It has SSTableReader/Writer facilities
> > and it seems to be able to see the rows? I'm fine with the fact that
> repair
> > run might have to do some conflict resolution as the final merged rows
> > would be quite "small" (50kB) in size. The naive approach is of course to
> > fetch all the rows from Cassandra - merge them on the client and send
> back
> > to the Cassandra, but this seems very wasteful and has its own problems.
> > Compared to table-LZ4 I was able to reduce the required size to 1/20th
> > (context-aware compression is sometimes just so much better) so there are
> > real benefits to this approach, even if I would probably violate multiple
> > design decisions.
> >
> > One approach is of course to write to another storage first and once the
> > blocks are ready, write them to Cassandra. But that again seems idiotic
> (I
> > know some people are using Kafka in front of Cassandra for example, but
> > that means maintaining yet another distributed solution and defeats the
> > benefit of Cassandra's easy management & scalability).
> >
> > Has anyone done something similar? Even planned? If I need to extend
> > something in Cassandra I can accept that approach also - but as I'm not
> > that familiar with Cassandra source code I could use some hints.
> >
> >   - Micke
> >

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