
I want to set TTL 30 days from the time field of table record(id,name,time)
during insertion.For this I am creating a User Defined Function(UDF) bigint
fun(rTime,cTime) as

CREATE FUNCTION fun(rtime timestamp,ctime timestamp) CALLED ON NULL INPUT
RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE java as 'return 2592000-((ctime.toTime()

here,function fun is calculating the time in seconds this data should live.

2592000 is the time in seconds for 30 days.

I am trying to use above function for setting TTL as

INSERT INTO record(id,name,time) VALUES (123,'data123','2016-08-08
06:06:00') USING TTL fun('2016-08-08 06:06:00',totimestamp(now()));

getting error as

Syntax Exception: ErrorMessage code=2000 ........

Is there any other way to set ttl based on record time field. What is
problem with above approach.




Sujeet Kumar
IISc Banglore

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