My understand is that all CDC really is now is a stable commit log reader.
For a given mutation on an RF=3 system, you'll end up with 3 readers that
all *could* do some action.  For now let's just say "put it it in a Kafka
topic" because that lets us do anything we want after that.

I suppose the most straightforward way would be to have a daemon that runs
on each Cassandra node who's job it is to see a mutation come through then
apply a lock via LWT in order to make a best effort at only-once semantics
(but we know this is best effort and we're really going to get
at-least-once)  The node that acquired the lock (let's call it A) would
have to be responsible for marking the mutation as complete.  The other
nodes (B & C) that failed at the LWT insert would be the backup nodes to
ensure if A node died pushing the mutation along they would be able to do
it.  I'm not sure how each mutation is identified at the moment, is there a
mutation ID that gets sent to each replica?  Without that you'd need to
compute some hash I support and use that as the LWT key but of course now
you have to deal with potential collissions, maybe you'd use
{mutation_timestamp}.{mutation_hash} and call it a day.

The problem here is now we've added a ton of Paxos rounds to every
mutation, increasing the load on our Cassandra cluster by a significant
amount.  The alternative, which might be more performant, is to keep the
mutation state in memory, or in a local keyspace?  This has additional
issues, like what do we do when topology changes?

A third option is you assume your going to get constant
at-least-once-probably-a-whole-bunch and have all of your Kafka consumers
deal with the fact that they'll be getting RF copies of a mutation and do
the dedupe on their end.  Maybe you'd have a single topic for raw,
unduplicated data that keeps track of what it's seen and forwards on only a
single copy?  The tradeoff here is now you've got 3 copies of each mutation
in the first topic plus another that gets forwarded on plus you may want a
durable log of what's been seen since, you know, servers do restart

I'll be completely honest, I don't have a good answer to any of this.
Doing it at the Cassandra level in either of the first 2 scenarios above
feels like a mess and a lot of work, I'd probably spent the most time
working on option 3, aka using Kafka consumer to dedupe and produce a new,
clean topic.  I pick this not because it shines as the most elegant or
efficient option but because I feel like I'd be able to write it and have
the best chance of getting it reasonably close to correct.

Let me make sure I'm being clear on this - I would approach the development
of CDC the exact same way it's been built.  A CL reader is a logical first
step towards building a useful system and is flexible to build all sorts of
designs on top of it.  I just want to point out that it's not as simple as
"point it at HDFS and let it do it's magic".  There will be a significant
investment of time, probably a lot more than just putting Kafka in front of
Cassandra & HDFS.

Hopefully someone smarter than me can figure out how to make this work


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:27 AM Ryan Svihla <> wrote:

> Jon,
> You know I've not actually spent the hour to read the ticket so I was just
> guessing it didn't handle dedup...all the same semantics apply
>'d have to do a read before write and then allow some window of
> failure mode. Maybe if you were LWT everything but that sounds really
> slow...I'd be curious of your thoughts on how to do that well..maybe I'm
> missing something.
> Regards,
> Ryan Svihla
> On Aug 9, 2016, 1:13 PM -0500, Jonathan Haddad <>, wrote:
> I'm having a hard time seeing how anyone would be able to work with CDC in
> it's currently implementation of not doing any dedupe.  Unless you really
> want to write all your own logic for that including failure handling + a
> distributed state machine I wouldn't count on it as a solution.
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 10:49 AM Ryan Svihla <> wrote:
>> You can follow the monster of a ticket
>> **
>> <> and see if it
>> looks like the tradeoffs there are headed in the right direction for you.
>> even CDC I think would have the logically same issue of not deduping for
>> you as triggers and dual write due to replication factor and consistently
>> level issues. Otherwise you'd be stuck doing an all replica comparison when
>> a late event came in and when a node was down what would you do then? what
>> if one replica got it as well and then came on line much later? Even if you
>> were using a single source of truth style database, you'll find failover
>> has a way of losing late events anyway (due to async replication) not to
>> mention once you go multiple dc it's all a matter of what DC you're in.
>> Anyway for the cold storage I think a trailing amount that is just
>> greater than your old events would do it. IE if you choose to only accept
>> 30 days out then cold storage for 32 days. At some point there is no free
>> lunch as you point out when replicating between two data sources. ie CDC,
>> triggers really anything that marks a "new event" will have the same
>> problem and you'll have to choose an acceptable level of lateness or check
>> for lateness indefinitely.
>> Alternatively you can just accept duplication and handle it cold storage
>> read side (like event sourcing pattern, this would be ideal if the lateness
>> is uncommon) or clean it up over time in cold storage as it's detected
>> (similar to an event sourcing pattern, but snapshotting data down to a
>> single record when you encounter it on a read).
>> Best of luck, this is a corner case that requires hard tradeoffs in all
>> technology I've encountered.
>> Regards,
>> Ryan Svihla
>> On Aug 9, 2016, 12:21 PM -0500, Ben Vogan <>, wrote:
>> Thanks Ryan.  I was hoping there was a change data capture framework.  We
>> have late arriving events, some of which can be very late.  We would have
>> to batch collect data for a large time period every so often to go back and
>> collect those or accept that we are going to lose a small percentage of
>> events.  Neither of which is ideal.
>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Ryan Svihla <> wrote:
>>> The typical pattern I've seen in the field is kafka + consumers for each
>>> destination (variant of dual write I know), this of course would not work
>>> for your goal of relying on C* for dedup. Triggers would also suffer the
>>> same problem unfortunately so you're really left with a batch job (most
>>> likely Spark) to move data from C* into HDFS on a given interval. If this
>>> is really a cold storage use case that can work quite well especially
>>> assuming you've modeled your data as a time series or with some sort of
>>> time based bucketing so you can quickly get full partitions data out of C*
>>> in a deterministic fashion and not have to scan your entire data set.
>>> I've also for similar needs have seen Spark streaming + querying
>>> cassandra for duplication checks to dedup then output to another source
>>> (form of dual write but with dedup), this was really silly and slow. I only
>>> bring it up to save you the trouble in case you end up in the same path
>>> chasing for something more 'real time'.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ryan Svihla
>>> On Aug 9, 2016, 11:09 AM -0500, Ben Vogan <>, wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We are investigating using Cassandra in our data platform.  We would
>>> like data to go into Cassandra first and to eventually be replicated into
>>> our data lake in HDFS for long term cold storage.  Does anyone know of a
>>> good way of doing this?  We would rather not have parallel writes to HDFS
>>> and Cassandra because we were hoping that we could use Cassandra primary
>>> keys to de-duplicate events.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> <>
>>> *BENJAMIN VOGAN* | Data Platform Team Lead
>>> shopkick <>
>>> <> <>
>>> <> <>
>>> <>
>>> The indispensable app that rewards you for shopping.
>> --
>> <>
>> *BENJAMIN VOGAN* | Data Platform Team Lead
>> shopkick <>
>> <> <>
>> <> <>
>> <>
>> The indispensable app that rewards you for shopping.

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