Finally, multiple DC setup is working as expected in 2.0.
So the recipe for configuring multiple interfaces in 2.0 is as follows: use 
GossipingPropertyFileSnitch so that preferred IP (private IP) is used for intra 
DC communication. Morever, you need to have a NAT rule to route traffic on 
public interface to private interface. NAT rule is needed due to CASSANDRA-9748 
(No process listens on broadcast address).


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, 22 Aug, 2016 at 11:55 PM, Anuj Wadehra<> wrote: 
  We are using PropertyFileSnitch.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, 22 Aug, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Paulo Motta<> wrote: 
  What snitch are you using? If GPFS you need to enable the prefer_local=true 
flag (this is automatic on EC2MRS).

2016-08-21 22:24 GMT-03:00 Anuj Wadehra <>:

Hi Paulo,
I am aware of CASSANDRA-9748. It says that Cassandra only listens at 
listen_address and not broadcast_address. To overcome that I can add a NAT rule 
to route all traffiic on public IP to private IP. 
But, why preferred IP is set to null in peers table? Whats the expected value?
Even if I add a NAT rule as workaround for CASSANDRA-9748, what if my public 
interface is down on a node? My traffic would still fail.
I want that at least nodes in my local DC should contact at each other on 
private IP. I thought preferred IP is for that purpose so focussing on fixing 
the null value of preferred IPs.

 On Sun, 21 Aug, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Paulo Motta<> wrote:  
 See CASSANDRA-9748, I think it might be related.

2016-08-20 15:20 GMT-03:00 Anuj Wadehra <>:

We use multiple interfaces in multi DC setup.Broadcast address is public IP 
while listen address is private IP.
I dont understand why prefeerred IP in peers table is null for all rows.
There is very little documentation on the role of preferred IP and when it is 
set. As per code TCP connections use preferred IP. According to my 
understanding, nodes in local dc should use preferrably private IP to connect 
and that's referred as preferred IP for a node.
Setup: Cassandra 2.0.14



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