Thanks DuyHai for the info.
I already see this JIRA, however the use case I describe is slightly
different from the JIRA as there is only ONE condition on ONE table. Other
statements of the batch does not have any condition.
So I guess in that case the Paxos operation does not span multiple table
but operates only the table that has the condition. Am I wrong?

2016-10-24 10:21 GMT+02:00 DuyHai Doan <>:

> As far as I remember, there is an optimization in Cassandra to manage
> Paxos ballot per table. So asking a Paxos operation to span multiple tables
> (even if same partition key) would require a lot of changes in the current
> impl.
> The question has already been raised, you may want to convince the
> committers by adding some comments here: https://issues.apache.
> org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10085
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Mickael Delanoë <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to use lightweight transaction inside a batch but the
>> request is rejected by cassandra, however I think this is a use case than
>> could be handled without problem.
>> Below is what I wanted to do.
>> I am using cassandra 3.7.
>> CREATE KEYSPACE test_ksp WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
>> 'replication_factor': '1'};
>> CREATE TABLE test_ksp.item (
>>     user_id bigint,
>>     item_id text,
>>     item_value text,
>>     item_key1 text,
>>     item_key2 text,
>> PRIMARY KEY ((user_id), item_id));
>> CREATE TABLE test_ksp.item_id_by_key (
>>     user_id bigint,
>>     item_key text,
>>     item_id text,
>> PRIMARY KEY ((user_id), item_key));
>> USE test_ksp;
>> INSERT INTO item (user_id, item_id, item_value, item_key1, item_key2)
>> values (1,'i11','item-C', 'key-XYZ-123', 'key-ABC-789') IF NOT EXISTS;
>> INSERT INTO item_id_by_key (user_id, item_key, item_id) VALUES (1,
>> 'key-XYZ-123', 'i11');
>> INSERT INTO item_id_by_key (user_id, item_key, item_id) VALUES (1,
>> 'key-ABC-789', 'i11');
>> So as you can see this is a batch that targets 2 tables but with the same
>> partition key (i.e the same target nodes). Moreover It uses only ONE
>> condition on one table only.
>> I don't understand why cassandra returns an error "Batch with conditions
>> cannot span multiple tables" in that case.
>> I understand that if I had used several conditions on different tables it
>> could be a problem, but in my case there is only one condition and moreover
>> I have always the same partition key for every table inside the batch.
>> As there is only one condition, I expected the paxos protocol just act on
>> this condition and as the partition keys are all the same, the paxos
>> protocol has only to work with the same replica nodes (not span across
>> multiple partition).
>> In my point of view this is as if the LWT was in a single statement,
>> except that after the LWT is accepted a complete batch has to be executed.
>> Is there someone that could explain why this use case need to be rejected
>> by cassandra? And do you think this is something that cassandra could
>> handle in a future version ?
>> Regards,
>> Mickaël

Mickaël Delanoë

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