
I have a question about commit log.

When commit log segment files are remove actually?

I'm running a single node cluster for a few weeks to test C* performance.
My simple test have been issuing only read and write requests to the
cluster, then the data size (SSTables size) are increasing monotonously.

Here are customized C* settings in my environment.
- commitlog_total_space_in_mb: 8192
- memtable_flush_writers: 4
- memtable_heap_space_in_mb: 2048

And here is the node specs used in my environment.
- CPU core: 4
- Memory: 16GB
- SSD: 100GB * 2 (one for commit log, the other for data)

In this case, I expected that the total size of the commit log segment
files are increased up to 8GB. However, when the total size is
increased up to 3GB, the commit log segment files are removed and
total size reduced to around 250MB.

I wonder why commit log segment files are removed before total size is
increased up to 8GB(= commitlog_total_space_in_mb) ?  Could anyone give
me some advices?


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