Anyone aware about  issue ?

Hints are still growing although gossip and repair was successfull. Gossip
is flowing without any issue as all nodes status is UN.

Hints are growing and there is timed out message in log hinted handoff
delivery.  Hints are not truncating after defined time period.

Please let me know if you have any question. Thanks

On Dec 29, 2016 10:06 AM, "Anshu Vajpayee" <> wrote:

> Hello All
> We have one unusual issue on our cluster. We are seeing growing hints
> table on  node although all the nodes are up  and coming online with
> notetool status.
> I know  Cassandra  appends the hints in case if there is  write timeout
> for other nodes. In our case  all nodes are up and functional , Gossip is
> also flowing well.  Also write time out value is quite high in our cluster .
> Can anyone suggest what could be other possible reason for these growing
> hints ?

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