How about this tool?

> On 13 Mar 2017, at 17:56, Artur R <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I can't find where C* stores information about partitions size (if stores it 
> at all).
> So, the questions;
>  1. How to obtain the size (in rows or in bytes - doesn't matter) of some 
> particular partition?
> I know that there is system.size_estimates table with mean_partition_size, 
> but it's only mean size among all partitions.
>  2. How to obtain the size of entire table?
> Again, does "mean_partition_size * partitions_count" (fields from 
> system.size_estimates table) == real size of the table?
>  3. Is it possible to obtain size of rows by some clustering key within some 
> partition?
> Maybe one can obtain these information using Java driver or from C* system 
> tables?

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