You are welcome Martjin! Glad to have been able to help (

On 4/13/17, 12:13 PM, "Martijn Pieters" <> wrote:

    On 13/04/2017, 15:06, "Khaja, Raziuddin (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C]" 
<> wrote:
    > Looking at your original message:
    >   I see you edited etc/cassandra/, by changing:
    >    +#JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS"
    >    +JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS"   
    >   First, I don’t think there is an option, 
so I would recommend removing that line.
    The option does exist, see
 I had tried both with and without the IPv6 option.
    > Second, I believe that starting in apache-cassandra-3.2, that 
enabling/disabling the option has been moved to a file called *jvm.options* 
    [snip evidence of the option moving]
    > My guess right now is that you may have upgraded Cassandra from a version 
older that 3.1 and somehow your config files are not compatible with 3.10? 
    **BINGO**. Indeed, I had at some point downgraded to a different Cassandra 
version in an attempt to resolve issues with `cqlsh` (which hardcodes a CQL 
version). As a result the option was being applied **twice**, in 
/etc/cassandra/ and via /etc/cassandra/jvm.options.
    Removing the switch from both locations now lets Cassandra bind to IPv6.
    I now can finally drop the SSH tunnel forwarding the port in my test 

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