Thanks for the feedback Shreyas,

it's good to keep a trace of solutions and workarounds in the archives of
the mailing list :-).

Alain Rodriguez - @arodream -

The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting

2017-04-28 13:47 GMT+01:00 Shreyas Chandra Sekhar <>:

> Hi Alain,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I figured out the issue. We are using Cassandra 2.x. Cassandra-stress tool
> of 2.x could not handle upper case in its query.
> However this issue has been fixed in Cassandra 3.x stress tool. So used
> that binary of 3.x and had to use command line options to convert from v4
> to v3 to target Cassandra 2.x.
> Shreyas
> *From:* Alain RODRIGUEZ []
> *Sent:* Friday, April 28, 2017 3:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: cql3 - adding two numbers in insert statement
> Hi Shreyas,
> It's good to paste the error if you want us to give you a quick and good
> answer. In this case the table schema would have been helpful as well.
> That being said, you are probably missing some quotes around the values
> for 'key' and 'column1'.
> C*heers,
> -----------------------
> Alain Rodriguez - @arodream -
> France
> The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting
> 2017-04-03 22:50 GMT+02:00 Shreyas Chandra Sekhar <>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to generate a random value of certain length and use that as
> one of the value in CQL3. Below is an example
> INSERT INTO "KS"."CF" (key, column1, value) VALUES (
> 613462303431313435313838306530667c6263317431756331,
> 2633174317563312f6f36, blobAsUuid(timeuuidAsBlob(now())) + 1000);
> This errors, can anyone help with right syntax?
> Thanks,
> Shreyas

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