I need to reduce my disk footprint, how is 3.0.14 for stability? Also, where do 
I find upgrade instructions and version requirements?

801-705-7115 office

From: Carlos Rolo [mailto:r...@pythian.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 11:17 AM
To: Jonathan Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com>
Cc: Junaid Nasir <jna...@an10.io>; pabbireddy avinash 
<pabbireddyavin...@gmail.com>; user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Stable version apache cassandra 3.X /3.0.X

On sync in Jon.

Only go 3.0.x if you REALLY need something from there (ex: MV) even then, be 

3.x wait for 3.11.x. 3.10 if you REALLY need something from there right now.

Latest 2.2.x or 2.1.x if you are just doing baseline Cassandra and need the 


Carlos Juzarte Rolo
Cassandra Consultant / Datastax Certified Architect / Cassandra MVP

Pythian - Love your data

rolo@pythian | Twitter: @cjrolo | Skype: cjr2k3 | Linkedin: 
Mobile: +351 918 918 100

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Jonathan Haddad 
<j...@jonhaddad.com<mailto:j...@jonhaddad.com>> wrote:
I really wouldn't go by the tick tock blog post, considering tick tock is dead.

I'm still not wild about putting any 3.0 or 3.x into production.  3.0 removed 
off heap memtables and there have been enough bugs in the storage engine that 
I'm still wary.  My hope is to see 3.11.x get enough bug fixes to where most 
people just skip 3.0 altogether.  I'm not sure if we're there yet though.

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 9:43 AM Junaid Nasir 
<jna...@an10.io<mailto:jna...@an10.io>> wrote:
as mentioned here http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-2-2-3-0-and-beyond
Under normal conditions, we will NOT release 3.x.y stability releases for x > 
0.  That is, we will have a traditional 3.0.y stability series, but the 
odd-numbered bugfix-only releases will fill that role for the tick-tock series 
— recognizing that occasionally we will need to be flexible enough to release 
an emergency fix in the case of a critical bug or security vulnerability.
We do recognize that it will take some time for tick-tock releases to deliver 
production-level stability, which is why we will continue to deliver 2.2.y and 
3.0.y bugfix releases.  (But if we do demonstrate that tick-tock can deliver 
the stability we want, there will be no need for a 4.0.y bugfix series, only 
4.x tick-tock.)

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 9:02 PM, pabbireddy avinash 
<pabbireddyavin...@gmail.com<mailto:pabbireddyavin...@gmail.com>> wrote:

We are planning to deploy a cassandra production cluster on 3.X /3.0.X . Please 
let us know if there is any stable version  in 3.X/3.0.X that we could deploy 
in production .



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