On 2017-07-03 06:55 (-0700), Jean Carlo <jean.jeancar...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hello
> Lately I am observing that the false positives of one of my nodes are
> increasing in a continous way (1 per 5min)

There's probably one partition that has a false positive entry, and you read it 
once every 5 minutes. Bloom filters are probabilistic, false positives are OK, 
it just causes a little bit of extra disk IO. 

> Bloom filter false positives: 532
>         Bloom filter false ratio: 0.01449
>         Bloom filter space used: 1.34 MB
>         Bloom filter off heap memory used: 1.33 MB
> At the same time I can see that the duration of GC has increased also
> There is a link between the increasment of the GC and the bloom filter ?

Probably not in any meaningful way (like mentioned above, false positive causes 
some extra disk IO to check one extra sstable, but it's not going to really 
impact GC in any meaningful way if it's truly a false positive).

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