It's a long, so you can't grab it with readInt - 8 bytes instead of 4

You can delete it by issuing a delete with an explicit time stamp at least 1 
higher the. The timestamp on the cell


This could happen if - in the past - one of your clients or servers had a very 
incorrect clock. I'm not aware of any bugs that corrupted timestamp anytime in 
the past 6-7 years of the database, but my memory isn't perfect.

Jeff Jirsa

> On Aug 17, 2017, at 1:45 AM, Greg Saylor <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a Cassandra database that is about 5 years old and has gone through 
> multiple upgrades.   Today I noticed a very odd thing (current timestamp 
> would be around 1502957436214912):
>   cqlsh:siq_prod> select id,account_id,sweep_id from items where id=34681132;
>    id       | account_id | sweep_id
>   ----------+------------+----------
>    34681132 |      13896 |         
> I then attempted to delete it:
> cqlsh:siq_prod> delete from items where id=34681132;
> But its still there, so I thought I’d look at the writteime of sweep_id:
> cqlsh:siq_prod> select id,account_id,sweep_id,writetime(sweep_id) from items 
> where id=34681132;
> id       | account_id | sweep_id | writetime(sweep_id)
> ----------+------------+----------+---------------------
> 34681132 |       null |          |    1718969631988312
> That is Friday, June 21, 2024 11:33:51.988 AM
> Is there any way to get rid of this record or update the writetime?  I’ve 
> done a look around the database and there are many more examples of this.  
> There’s nothing we can think of that would have caused this, this record was 
> inserted back in 2013 and there are other records within seconds of that one 
> which are just fine.
> I suspect something must have gone awry during an upgrade or there was a 
> subtle bug in the version of Cassandra we were running at the time.
> What started down this path was a tool an engineer was running that was 
> written in NodeJS, apparently the cassandra driver for Node can’t parse this:
> { RangeError: Index out of range
>    at checkOffset (buffer.js:821:11)
>    at Buffer.readInt32BE (buffer.js:986:5)
> Most other drivers I’ve tested just return nil.
> Is there any way to get out of this situation?  I can’t delete it or update 
> it.  This table has about 1 billion rows in it.
> Thank you,
> Greg Saylor
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