Le 28/08/2017 à 03:30, kurt greaves a écrit :
If every node is a replica it sounds like you've got hardware issues. Have you compared iostat to the "normal" nodes? I assume there is nothing different in the logs on this one node?
Also sanity check, you are using DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy?

Thanks for the answer, I had to concentrate on other things for a few days, I'm back to that problem.

The PHP Driver call is :

$cassandrabuilder->withDatacenterAwareRoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy("mycluster", 0, false)->withTokenAwareRouting(true)->withSchemaMetadata(true);

After that, the call is done like this :

$result = $cassandra->execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement($query));
$cassandrasession->executeAsync($this->queryPrepared, array('arguments' => $values));

Could the async call put too much pressure on the server ? Calls from 11 client machines.

Thanks !

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