
usually automatic minor compactions are fine, but you may need much more free 
disk space to reclaim disk space via automatic minor compactions, especially in 
a time series use case with size-tiered compaction strategy (possibly with 
leveled as well, I’m not familiar with this strategy type). We are in the time 
series / STCS combination and currently plan to run a major compaction every X 
weeks. Although not perfect, this is currently our only way to effectively 
really get rid of out-dated data from disk, without the extra cost of storage 
we would additionally need, cause it needs a lot of time that delete markers 
(tombstones) according to our retention policy are actually getting 
automatically minor compacted with potentially large SSTables. Mind you, with 
pre 2.2, a major compaction results in a single (large) SSTable again, so the 
whole disk usage troubles start again. With 2.2+ there is an option to end up 
with SSTables in 50%, 25% etc.. in file size per column family / table, so this 
might be useful.

If you have a time series use case you may want to look at the new time window 
compaction strategy introduced in 3.0, but it relies on TTL-based time series 
data only. We tested it and it works great, but unfortunately we can’t use it, 
cause we may have different TTL/retention policies in a single column family, 
even varying retention configurations per customer over time, so TWCS not 
really an option here, unfortunately.


From: Akshit Jain [mailto:akshit13...@iiitd.ac.in]
Sent: Donnerstag, 14. September 2017 08:50
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Compaction in cassandra

Is it helpful to run nodetool compaction in cassandra?
or automatic compaction is just fine.

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