
due to performance/latency reasons, we are currently reading and writing time 
series data at consistency level  ONE/ANY.

In case of a node being down and recovering after the default hinted handoff 
window of 3 hrs, we may potentially read stale data from the recovering node. 
Of course, from an operational POV, we will trigger a nodetool repair after the 
recovered node has start up, but to my understanding, this still may cause 
reading stale data from this particular node until nodetool repair is finished, 
which may take several hours. Is this correct?

Is there a way (e.g. in newer releases 3.0/3.11) to tell a node not being part 
of read requests? Something like a counterpart of nodetool drain for writes?

Other options:

-          Disabling binary/thrift: Although the node won't act as coordinator 
then for client requests, as it won't be available from a client perspective, 
inter-node, the recovering node is being contacted by other nodes for serving 
requests, right?

-          Disabling gossip: Basically the node is marked as DOWN, so treated 
like it is not available, thus not an option?

-          Temporarily reading at LOCAL_QUORUM/QUORUM until nodetool repair is 

Did I miss something?


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