Thanks for the feedback guys. That example data model was indeed
abbreviated - the real queries have the partition key in them. I am using
RF 3 on the keyspace, so I don't think a node being down would mean the key
I'm looking for would be unavailable. The load balancing policy of the
driver seems correct (,
and I am using the default `TokenAware` policy with
`DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy` as a child), but I will look more closely at the

It was an oversight of mine to not include `nodetool disablebinary`, but I
still experience the same issue with that.

One other thing I've noticed is that after restarting a node and seeing
application latency, I also see that the node I just restarted sees many
other nodes in the same DC as being down (ie status 'DN'). However,
checking `nodetool status` on those other nodes shows all nodes as
up/normal. To me this could kind of explain the problem - node comes back
online, thinks it is healthy but many others are not, so it gets traffic
from the client application. But then it gets requests for ranges that
belong to a node it thinks is down, so it responds with an error. The
latency issue seems to start roughly when the node goes down, but persists
long (ie 15-20 mins) after it is back online and accepting connections. It
seems to go away once the bounced node shows the other nodes in the same DC
as up again.

As for speculative retry, my CF is using the default of '99th percentile'.
I could try something different there, but nodes being seen as down seems
like an issue.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Jeff Jirsa <> wrote:

> Unless you abbreviated, your data model is questionable (SELECT without
> any equality in the WHERE clause on the partition key will always cause a
> range scan, which is super inefficient). Since you're doing LOCAL_ONE and a
> range scan, timeouts sorta make sense - the owner of at least one range
> would be down for a bit.
> If you actually have a partition key in your where clause, then the next
> most likely guess is your clients aren't smart enough to route around the
> node as it restarts, or your key cache is getting cold during the bounce.
> Double check your driver's load balancing policy.
> It's also likely the case that speculative retry may help other nodes
> route around the bouncing instance better - if you're not using it, you
> probably should be (though with CL: LOCAL_ONE, it seems like it'd be less
> of an issue).
> We need to make bouncing nodes easier (or rather, we need to make drain do
> the right thing), but in this case, your data model looks like the biggest
> culprit (unless it's an incomplete recreation).
> - Jeff
> On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 10:58 AM, Mike Torra <> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I am running a 29 node cluster spread over 4 DC's in EC2, using C* 3.11.1
>> on Ubuntu. Occasionally I have the need to restart nodes in the cluster,
>> but every time I do, I see errors and application (nodejs) timeouts.
>> I restart a node like this:
>> nodetool disablethrift && nodetool disablegossip && nodetool drain
>> sudo service cassandra restart
>> When I do that, I very often get timeouts and errors like this in my
>> nodejs app:
>> Error: Cannot achieve consistency level LOCAL_ONE
>> My queries are all pretty much the same, things like: "select * from
>> history where ts > {current_time}"
>> The errors and timeouts seem to go away on their own after a while, but
>> it is frustrating because I can't track down what I am doing wrong!
>> I've tried waiting between steps of shutting down cassandra, and I've
>> tried stopping, waiting, then starting the node. One thing I've noticed is
>> that even after `nodetool drain`ing the node, there are open connections to
>> other nodes in the cluster (ie looking at the output of netstat) until I
>> stop cassandra. I don't see any errors or warnings in the logs.
>> What can I do to prevent this? Is there something else I should be doing
>> to gracefully restart the cluster? It could be something to do with the
>> nodejs driver, but I can't find anything there to try.
>> I appreciate any suggestions or advice.
>> - Mike

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