Read repairs are one anti-entropy measure. Continuous repairs is another. If 
you do repairs via Reaper or your own method it will resolve your discrepencies.

On Apr 21, 2018, 3:16 AM -0400, Grzegorz Pietrusza <>, 
> Hi all
> I'm a bit confused with how read repair works in my case, which is:
> - multiple DCs with RF 1 (NetworkTopologyStrategy)
> - reads with consistency ONE
> The article #1 says that read repair in fact runs RF reads for some percent 
> of the requests. Let's say I have read_repair_chance = 0.1. Does it mean that 
> 10% of requests will be read in all DCs (digest) and processed in a 
> background?
> On the other hand article #2 says that for consistency ONE read repair is not 
> performed. Does it mean that in my case read repair does not work at all? Is 
> there any way to enable read repair across DCs and stay will consistency ONE 
> for reads?
> #1
> #2 
> Regards
> Grzegorz

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