Are you using any rack aware topology? What are your partition keys? Is it 
possible that your partition keys do not divide up as cleanly as you would like 
across the cluster because the data is not evenly distributed (by partition 

Sean Durity
lord of the (C*) rings (Staff Systems Engineer – Cassandra)
MTC 2250
#cassandra - for the latest news and updates

From: learner dba <>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 2:06 PM
To: User <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Cluster is unbalanced


Data volume varies a lot in our two DC cluster:

 Load       Tokens       Owns

 20.01 GiB  256          ?

 65.32 GiB  256          ?

 60.09 GiB  256          ?

 46.95 GiB  256          ?

 50.73 GiB  256          ?




 Load       Tokens       Owns

 25.19 GiB  256          ?

 30.26 GiB  256          ?

 9.82 GiB   256          ?

 20.54 GiB  256          ?

 9.7 GiB    256          ?

I ran clearsnapshot, garbagecollect and cleanup, but it increased the size on 
heavier nodes instead of decreasing. Based on nodetool cfstats, I can see 
partition keys on each node varies a lot:

Number of partitions (estimate): 3142552

Number of partitions (estimate): 15625442

Number of partitions (estimate): 15244021

Number of partitions (estimate): 9592992
Number of partitions (estimate): 15839280

How can I diagnose this imbalance further?

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