
Your process looks good to me :). Still a couple of comments to make it
more efficient (hopefully).

*- Improving step 2:*

I believe you can actually get a slightly better distribution picking the
tokens for the (first) seed node. This is to prevent the node from randomly
calculating its token ranges. You can calculate the token ranges using the
following python code:

$ python  # Start the python shell
>>> number_of_tokens = 8
>>> [str(((2**64 / number_of_tokens) * i) - 2**63) for i in 
>>> range(number_of_tokens)]
['-9223372036854775808', '-6917529027641081856',
'-4611686018427387904', '-2305843009213693952', '0',
'2305843009213693952', '4611686018427387904', '6917529027641081856']

Set the 'initial_token' with the above list (coma separated list) and the
number of vnodes to 'num_tokens: 8'.

This technique proved to be way more efficient (especially for low token
numbers / small number of nodes). Luckily it's also easy to test.

- *Step 4 might not be needed*

I don't see the need of stopping/starting the seed. The option
won't affect this seed node (already initialized) in any way

Also, do not forget to have more nodes becoming 'seeds', either after
bootstrap or just start a couple more of seeds after the first one for

Alain Rodriguez - @arodream - al...@thelastpickle.com
France / Spain

The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting

Le lun. 1 oct. 2018 à 07:16, onmstester onmstester <onmstes...@zoho.com> a
écrit :

> Since i failed to find a document on how to configure and use the Token
> Allocation Algorithm (to replace the random Algorithm), just wanted to be
> sure about the procedure i've done:
> 1. Using Apache Cassandra 3.11.2
> 2. Configured one of seed nodes with num_tokens=8 and started it.
> 3. Using Cqlsh created keyspace test with NetworkTopologyStrategy and RF=3.
> 4. Stopped the seed node.
> 5. add this line to cassandra.yaml of all nodes (all have num_tokens=8)
> and started the cluster:
> allocate_tokens_for_keyspace=test
> My cluster Size won't go beyond 150 nodes, should i still use The
> Allocation Algorithm instead of random with 256 tokens (performance wise or
> load-balance wise)?
> Is the Allocation Algorithm, widely used and tested with Community and can
> we migrate all clusters with any size to use this Algorithm Safely?
> Out of Curiosity, i wonder how people (i.e, in Apple) config and maintain
> token management of clusters with thousands of nodes?
> Sent using Zoho Mail <https://www.zoho.com/mail/>

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