I will start – knowing that others will have additional help/questions.

What heap size are you using? Sounds like you are using the CMS garbage 
collector. That takes some arcane knowledge and lots of testing to tune. I 
would start with G1 and using ½ the available RAM as the heap size. I would 
want 32 GB RAM as a minimum on the hosts.

Spinning disks are a problem, too. Can you tell if the IO is getting 
overwhelmed? SSDs are much preferred.

Read before write is usually an anti-pattern for Cassandra. From your queries, 
it seems you have a partition key and clustering key. Can you give us the table 
schema? I’m also concerned about the IF EXISTS in your delete. I think that 
invokes a light weight transaction – costly for performance. Is it really 
required for your use case?

Sean Durity

From: Marco Gasparini <marco.gaspar...@competitoor.com>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 8:20 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] fine tuning for wide rows and mixed worload system

Hello everyone,

I need some advise in order to solve my use case problem. I have already tried 
some solutions but it didn't work out.
Can you help me with the following configuration please? any help is very 

I'm using:
- Cassandra 3.11.3
- java version "1.8.0_191"

My use case is composed by the following constraints:
- about 1M reads per day (it is going to rise up)
- about 2M writes per day (it is going to rise up)
- there is a high peek of requests in less than 2 hours in which the system 
receives half of all day traffic (500K reads, 1M writes)
- each request is composed by 1 read and 2 writes (1 delete + 1 write)

            * the read query selects max 3 records based on the primary key 
(select * from my_keyspace.my_table where pkey = ? limit 3)
            * then is performed a deletion of one record (delete from 
my_keyspace.my_table where pkey = ? and event_datetime = ? IF EXISTS)
            * finally the new data is stored (insert into my_keyspace.my_table 
(event_datetime, pkey, agent, some_id, ft, ftt..) values (?,?,?,?,?,?...))

- each row is pretty wide. I don't really know the exact size because there are 
2 dynamic text columns that stores data between 1MB to 50MB length each.
  So, reads are going to be huge because I read 3 records of that dimension 
every time. Writes are complex as well because each row is that wide.

Currently, I own 3 nodes with the following properties:
- node1:
            * Intel Core i7-3770
            * 2x HDD SATA 3,0 TB
            * 4x RAM 8192 MB DDR3
            * nominative bit rate 175MB/s
            # blockdev --report /dev/sd[ab]
                        RO    RA   SSZ   BSZ   StartSec            Size   Device
                        rw   256   512  4096          0   3000592982016   
                        rw   256   512  4096          0   3000592982016   

- node2,3:
            * Intel Core i7-2600
            * 2x HDD SATA 3,0 TB
            * 4x RAM 4096 MB DDR3
            * nominative bit rate 155MB/s
            # blockdev --report /dev/sd[ab]
                        RO    RA   SSZ   BSZ   StartSec            Size   Device
                        rw   256   512  4096          0   3000592982016   
                        rw   256   512  4096          0   3000592982016   

Each node has 2 disks but I have disabled RAID option and I have created a 
virtual single disk in order to get much free space.
Can this configuration create issues?

I have already tried some configurations in order to make it work, like:
1) straigthforward attempt
            - default Cassandra configuration (cassandra.yaml)
            - RF=1
            - SizeTieredCompactionStrategy  (write strategy)
            - no row cache (because of wide rows dimension is better to have no 
row cache)
            - gc_grace_seconds = 1 day (unfortunately, I did no repair schedule 
at all)
                        too many timeouts, losing data

            - added repair schedules
            - RF=3 (in order increase reads speed)
                        - too many timeouts, losing data
                        - high I/O consumption on each nodes (iostat shows 100% 
in %util on each nodes, dstat shows hundred of M read for each iteration)
                        - node2 frozen until I stopped data writes.
                        - node3 almost frozen
                        - many panding MutationStage events in TPSTATS in node2
                        - many full GC
                        - many HintsDispatchExecutor events in system.log

            - added repair schedules
            - RF=3
            - set durable_writes = false in order to speed up writes
            - increased young heap
            - decreased SurviviorRatio in order to get much young size 
available because of wide rows data
            - increased from 1 to 3 MaxTenuringThreshold in order to decrease 
reads latency
            - increased Cassandra's memtable onheap and offheap dimensions 
beacause of wide rows data
            - changed memtable_allocation_type to offheap_objects bacause of 
wide rows data
                        - better GC performance on nodes1 and node3
                        - still high I/O consumption on each nodes (iostat 
shows 100% in %util on each nodes, dstat shows hundred of M read for each 
                        - still node2 completely frozen
                        - many panding MutationStage events in TPSTATS in node2
                        - many HintsDispatchExecutor events in system.log in 
each nodes

I cannot go to AWS but I can only get dedicated server.
Do you have any suggestions to fine tune the system on this use case?

Thank you


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