What is the data problem that you are trying to solve with Cassandra? Is it 
high availability? Low latency queries? Large data volumes? High concurrent 
users? I would design the solution to fit the problem(s) you are solving.

For example, if high availability is the goal, I would be very cautious about 2 
nodes/machine. If you need the full amount of the disk – you *can* have larger 
nodes than 1 TB. I agree that administration tasks (like adding/removing nodes, 
etc.) are more painful with large nodes – but not impossible. For large amounts 
of data, I like nodes that have about 2.5 – 3 TB of usable SSD disk.

It is possible that your nodes might be under-utilized, especially at first. 
But if the hardware is already available, you have to use what you have.

We have done multiple nodes on single physical hardware, but they were two 
separate clusters (for the same application). In that case, we had  a different 
install location and different ports for one of the clusters.

Sean Durity

From: William R <tri...@protonmail.com.INVALID>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 9:14 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] multiple Cassandra instances per server, possible?

Hi all,

In our small company we have 10 nodes of (2 x 3 TB HD) 6 TB each, 128 GB ram 
and 64 cores and we are thinking to use them as Cassandra nodes. From what I am 
reading around, the community recommends that every node should not keep more 
than 1 TB data so in this case I am wondering if it is possible to install 2 
instances per node using docker so each docker instance can write to its own 
physical disk and utilise more efficiently the rest hardware (CPU & RAM).

I understand with this setup there is the danger of creating a single point of 
failure for 2 Cassandra nodes but except that do you think that is a possible 
setup to start with the cluster?

Except the docker solution do you recommend any other way to split the physical 
node to 2 instances? (VMWare? or even maybe 2 separate installations of 
Cassandra? )

Eventually we are aiming in a cluster consisted of 2 DCs with 10 nodes each (5 
baremetal nodes with 2 Cassandra instances)

Probably later when we will start introducing more nodes to the cluster we can 
decommissioning the "double-instaned" ones and aim for a more homogeneous 

Thank you,



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