I have seen this situation causing corruption due to different structure but 
same name column in old and new sstables.

Cell: 510 449 9629

> On Nov 21, 2019, at 7:59 AM, Tommy Stendahl 
> <tommy.stend...@ericsson.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run in to problem with 3.11.5, I think its related to "* Toughen up column 
> drop/recreate type validations (CASSANDRA-15204)"
> I have a user defined type and I have a table with a column that has this UDF 
> as type, if I drop the column and recreate it with the same name it fails. I 
> think this should work, it did in 3.11.4, or I'm I missing something?
> I recreated this in cqlsh:
> cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE foo WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 
> 'replication_factor': '1'};
> cqlsh> CREATE TYPE foo.my_type (a int, b int );
> cqlsh> CREATE TABLE foo.bar ( x int PRIMARY KEY, y int, z frozen<my_type> );
> cqlsh> ALTER TABLE foo.bar DROP z ;
> cqlsh> ALTER TABLE foo.bar ADD z frozen<my_type>;
> InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Cannot 
> re-add previously dropped column 'z' of type frozen<my_type>, incompatible 
> with previous type frozen<tuple<int, int>>"
> cqlsh> 
> Regards,
> Tommy

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