The COPY command doesn't support filtering and it doesn't perform well for
large tables.

Have you considered the DSBulk tool from DataStax? Previously, it only
worked with DataStax Enterprise but a few weeks ago, it was made free and
works with open-source Apache Cassandra. For details, see this blogpost
<>. Cheers!

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 6:57 PM adrien ruffie <>

> Hello all,
> In my company we want to export a big dataset of our cassandra's ring.
> We search to use COPY command but I don't find if and how can a WHERE
> condition can be use ?
> Because we need to export only several data which must be return by a
> WHERE closure, specially
> and unfortunately with ALLOW FILTERING due to several old tables which
> were poorly conceptualized...
> Do you know a means to do that please ?
> Thank all and best regards
> Adrian

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