> I didn’t copy tokens since it’s an identical cluster and we have RF as 3
> on 3 node cluster. Is it still needed , why?

In C*, same number of nodes alone isn't enough. Clusters aren't really
identical unless token assignments are the same. In your case though since
each node has a full copy of the data (RF = N nodes), they "appear"

I recently migrated Cassandra keyspace data from one Azure cluster (3
> Nodes) to another (3 nodes different region) using simple sstable copy.
> Post this , we are observing overall response time has increased and
> timeouts every 20 mins.

 You mean the response time on the source cluster increased? Or the
destination cluster? I can't see how the copy could affect latency unless
you're using premium storage disks and you've maxed out the throughput on
them. For example, P30 disks are capped at 200MB/s.

Do I need to copy anything from system*

No, system tables are local to a node. Only ever copy the application
keyspaces. Cheers!

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