In Cassandra, "repair" refers to anti-entropy repairs. I think that's where
most of the confusion is. DBAs see the word "repair" and think it is a
one-off operation to "fix something broken". Users incorrectly think that
once it is fixed then there shouldn't be a need to repair again.

However in a distributed environment, the reality is that replicas can get
out of sync for whatever reason -- nodes going offline, nodes temporarily
unresponsive, nodes suffering from a hardware failure, etc. Entropy ensues.

It is necessary to keep the data consistent across the cluster so we run
anti-entropy repairs. The recommendation is that you run repairs at least
once every gc_grace_seconds (GCGS). GCGS by default is 10 days so a good
rule of thumb is to run repairs once a week.

Let me address some of the points you raised.

> ... we run into things like "running repairs", "running compactions",
> understand tombstones (row and range), TTLs, etc etc becomes critical as
> data is growing.
Compactions are part of the normal operation of Cassandra. You shouldn't
however be manually running compactions. If you are, something is wrong and
it's most likely a band-aid solution to an underlying problem you need to

> But on the other hand we also see often lots of warnings... Like "if you
> start Cassandra Reaper you can not stop doing that" ...
As above, you need to run repairs regularly. It isn't a one-off operation.
Reaper is a good tool for managing repairs in an automated fashion.

Here are some useful resources on repairs in Cassandra:
- Repair document @ the Apache website -
- DataStax Academy video on Repair -
- YouTube playlist on DataStax Academy Cassandra Operations course -
- DataStax Doc on when to run repairs -



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