When I try to halt the joining node with systemctl stop cassandra, it hangs.  I don't see it doing any network, disk, or CPU activity using tools like iotop, atop, and top.

I ended up kill -9'ing the process.  I tried the same join on a different machine, and the same issue occurs.  It hangs in UJ.  I deleted all data on the new node (not much there cuz it's new!), and tried again.  Same issue.

In other news, java 11 is working.  :)


On 5/7/2021 5:07 PM, Joe Obernberger wrote:
Have an existing 5 node RC1 cluster and trying to join two more nodes to it.
The new node is stuck in the UJ status:

Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address         Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack UN  410.12 MiB  30      18.6%           � 2529b6ed-cdb2-43c2-bdd7-171cfe308bd3  rack1 UN   2.15 GiB    200     98.5%           � d9702f96-256e-45ae-8e12-69a42712be50  rack1 UN   2.14 GiB    200     98.5%           � 93f9cb0f-ea71-4e3d-b62a-f0ea0e888c47  rack1 UN  56.97 MiB   4       2.6%            � a1a16910-9167-4174-b34b-eb859d36347e  rack1 UN   1.77 GiB    120     81.8%           � 08a19658-40be-4e55-8709-812b3d4ac750  rack1

Datacenter: dc1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address         Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack UJ  1.31 MiB    200     ?               � 054109ad-3a5e-4680-b4ad-f9c08089238c  rack1

What can I check?


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