We use ZooKeeper + kazoo’s lock implementation.  Kazoo is a Python client 
library for ZooKeeper.

- Max

> Yes this is quite annoying. How did you implement that "external lock"? I 
> also thought of doing an external service that would be dedicated to that. 
> Cassandra client apps would send create instruction to that service, that 
> would receive them and do the creates 1 by 1, and the client app would wait 
> the response from it before starting to insert.
> Best,
> Sébastien.
> Le mar. 1 juin 2021 à 05:21, Max C. <mc_cassand...@core43.com 
> <mailto:mc_cassand...@core43.com>> a écrit :
> In our case we have a shared dev cluster with (for example) a key space for 
> each developer, a key space for each CI runner, etc.   As part of 
> initializing our test suite we setup the schema to match the code that is 
> about to be tested.  This can mean multiple CI runners each adding/dropping 
> tables at the same time but for different key spaces.
> Our experience is even though the schema changes do not conflict, we still 
> run into schema mismatch problems.   Our solution to this was to have a lock 
> (external to Cassandra) that ensures only a single schema change operation is 
> being issued at a time.
> People assume schema changes in Cassandra work the same way as MySQL or 
> multiple users editing files on disk — i.e. as long as you’re not editing the 
> same file (or same MySQL table), then there’s no problem.  This is NOT the 
> case.  Cassandra schema changes are more like “git push”ing a commit to the 
> same branch — i.e. at most one change can be outstanding at a time (across 
> all tables, all key spaces)…otherwise you will run into trouble.
> Hope that helps.  Best of luck.
> - Max
> Hello,
> I have a more general question about that, I cannot find clear answer.
> In my use case I have many tables (around 10k new tables created per months) 
> and they are created from many clients and only dynamically, with several 
> clients creating same tables simulteanously.
> What is the recommended way of creating tables dynamically? If I am doing "if 
> not exists" queries + wait for schema aggreement before and after each create 
> statement, will it work correctly for Cassandra?
> Sébastien.

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