Could it be related to ?

On 28/07/2021 13:55, Amandeep Srivastava wrote:
Hi team,

My Cluster configs: DC1 - 9 nodes, DC2 - 4 nodes
Node configs: 12 core x 96GB ram x 1 TB HDD
Repair params: -full -pr -local
Cassandra version: 3.11.4

I'm running a full repair on DC2 nodes - one node and one keyspace at a time. During the repair, ram usage on all 4 nodes spike up to 95%. Have tried setting xmx to 24GB, 31GB, 32GB, and 64GB but all show the same behavior. Could you please advise what might be consuming such high levels of off-heap memory and what can be done to cap/limit its use?

We run no other process apart from Cassandra daemon on these nodes.


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