The DataStax Java 3.x drivers work very well with Apache Cassandra 4.0. I'd recommend one of the 
more recent releases in the series, though (e.g., 3.6.x+).I'm not the author of this 
documentation, but it may refer to the fact that the 3.x Java Driver supports the CQL v4 wire 
protocol, but not the new v5 wire protocol introduced in Cassandra 4.0. This means that all 
existing features will continue to work fine; but a small number of new features in 4.0 will 
require a new driver before they can be adopted.A couple examples of new features in the CQLv5 
wire protocol are client checksumming in the absence of TLS or a checksumming codec, better 
read/write failure error messages, and native duration types.– ScottOn Apr 19, 2022, at 10:08 AM, 
Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <> wrote:Hello Erick,It looks like the 3.0+ 
driver is not compatible with the Cassandra 4.0 as per: documents say it's partially 
compatible, what does this mean? What will be broken if I continue to use 3.0+ driver with 
Cassandra 4.0? I did a quick test with my application using 3.2 driver with Cassandra 4.0.3 and 
it works fine.On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 7:14 PM Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada 
<> wrote:Thank you On Monday, April 19, 2021, Erick Ramirez 
<> wrote:Is there a Datastax Java Driver  Compatibility matrix 
available for Cassandra 4.0?No, there isn't but the same driver versions apply to C* 4.0 under 
the column 3.0+.Thanks for bringing this up as it has prompted me to consider its inclusion in 
the official Apache Cassandra website and I've logged CASSANDRA-16617. Cheers!

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