This issue was reported in
as well. TL;DR the URL parser for JNDI providers was made stricter in
Oracle Java 8u331 and brackets are only allowed around IPv6 addresses. The
URL format in wraps the host in square brackets so nodetool
fails with the syntax exception.

Jermy Li posted PR #1586 and I've requested him to log a ticket for it
(CASSANDRA-17581). Israel Fuchter and penky28 posted the following

OPTION 1 - Add a legacy flag to disable the new validation, for example:

$ nodetool -Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy status

OPTION 2 - Specify the hostname with an IPv6 subnet prefix, for example:

$ nodetool -h ::FFFF: status

Would you please try both workarounds and let us know if either of them
work for you? Cheers!

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