No, allocate_tokens_for_local_replication_factor does not exist in Cassandra 3. It was introduced in Cassandra 4.0.

Now, may I interest you with an upgrade? Not only Cassandra 4 comes with a lots of improvements and bug fixes, it's also a fairly painless process. I find it much easier to upgrade Cassandra than other databases or similar distributed software.

For your question about allocate_tokens_* , you can read it here:

In short, the old vnode token allocation algorithm can cause load imbalance between nodes in large clusters, and the new algorithm takes the RF into consideration, resulting in a more load-balanced cluster.

On 16/03/2023 16:02, Max Campos wrote:
Does this exist for Cassandra 3.x?  I know it was in DSE for DSE’s 3.x equivalent, and seems to be in Cassandra 4.x cassandra.yaml.  I don’t see it here, though:

BTW:  Wow - what a difference allocate_tokens_* makes.  Living in the RF=3 with 3 nodes world for so many years, I had no idea.  :-)

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