Hi C* Community

We had a strange observation which we are unable to understand -

Initial config -
native_transport_port_ssl : true
native_transport_port : 9042

With the above config application / driver was unable to connect to
different nodes and whenever even one node went down / was drained DSE
driver complained with NoNodeAvailableException.
This is with Cassandra 4.0. Our hunch is that we faced -

Then we changed the config to -
Remove - (native_transport_port_ssl : true)
native_transport_port : 9142

Now the application behaves fine and nodetool drain doesn't cause any
However, what was strange was that as soon as cassandra.yaml was changed to
above config the application / driver stopped showing errors which used to
appear in DSE trace level logs while the driver used to connect to the 9042

How is it possible that the configs got applied even before a single
cassandra node was restarted ?


Shaurya Gupta

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