Hi (also posted in dev mailing list but not sure I can publish on it),

We use datastax cassandra java driver v4.15.0 and we want to limit
connexion only to Cassandra proxy nodes (Nodes with no data started
with option: -Dcassandra.join_ring=false).
For that:
 - we configured the driver to have only proxy hosts in the
contact-points (datastax-java-driver.basic.contact-points).
 - we added a custom configuration containing "whitelisted host" (same
list as contact-points)
 - we implemented a custom NodeFilter Class to limit allowed nodes to
whitelisted one

If we look at opened TCP connexions between client and Cassandra
cluster we see only 2:
 - one to one of the proxy listed in the contact-points (coordinator connexion)
 - another one the the same proxy (query connexion)

We expected to have an opened connexion to each proxy listed in
contact-points / whitelisted hosts.
We found that it is not the case because during cluster discovery the
driver execute a query in table "system.peers" or "system.peers_v2"
(made in DefaultTopologyMonitor class) and proxy nodes are not in this

Why are proxy nodes lot listed in system.peers and why the discovery
checks in this table ? Is it possible to bypass this control or add
these nodes in table "peers" ?
Is there a way to implement a custom version of TopologyMonitor
interface to bypass this mechanism ?
Is there another way to do this ?

Thanks in advance

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