This sounds a lot like cassandra-13004 which was fixed, but broke data being 
read-repaired during an alter statement

I suspect it’s not actually that same bug, but may be close/related. 
Reproducing it reliably would be a huge help. 

- Jeff

> On May 7, 2024, at 1:50 AM, Matthias Pfau via user 
> <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> we just ran drop compact storage in order to prepare for the upgrade to 
> version 4.
> We observed that column values have been written as null, if they where 
> inserted while the drop compact storage statement was running. This just 
> happened for the couple seconds the drop compact storage statement ran.
> Did anyone else observe this? What are the proposed strategies to prevent 
> data loss.
> Best,
> Matthias

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