Hi Mesut,

Try setting the mapping file *after* you set the ClassDescriptorResolver. You will note the following in the Javadoc for Marshaller#setResolver:

     <B>Note:</B> This method will nullify any Mapping
     currently being used by this Marshaller



Mesut Celik wrote:
Hi Keith,
I applied your workaround and it did work with a strange behaviour.

        FieldHandlerFactory factory=new BooleanFHFactory();
        ClassDescriptorResolverImpl cdr = new ClassDescriptorResolverImpl();

what is weird is when assigning this resolver implementation to
marshaller the mapping file which i use and assigned to marshaller at
the same time automatically became unused but i could serialize all
boolean fields as 0/1 pair.
Since i need both mapping definitions and this fieldhandler mechanism,
current behaviour cannot help to solve my problem.

what can be the cause of problem? I feel im approaching to finish point...:)

thanks in advance

On 10/10/05, Mesut Celik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/8/05, Keith Visco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mesut Celik wrote:

hi keith,

what about the mapping.xml file? Actually I had written an
GeneralizedFieldHandler without handlerFactory and then assigned the
handler to some fields in the mapping file before your mail and it did
not work.

How did you specify your handler and what does your handler
implementation look like? Did you take a look at the online
documentation for writing custom handlers?

yes i did. I followed online documentation but not heard about
FieldhandlerFactory on the web site. could you give me an example how
to create this factory class for boolean types.

my question is you did not mention about mapping file in
your mail. dont I have to use mapping file? and what should i do if i
need only some fields to be handled and not the others?

Yes you can use a mapping file, which is the normal way to specify
custom handlers, but if you wanted to handle all Boolean values in your
application the same way then it's easier to write a
FieldHandlerFactory. If you only want some values to be handled a
certain way, then a mapping file is the better approach.

again, i wanna handle all boolean values but unable to implement
FieldHandlerFactory. can you give me more detailed information about
the methads that need to be implemented in the abstract


spesific explanation for boolean type would be appriciated.


thanks in advance,

On 10/8/05, Keith Visco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You can write a GeneralizedFieldHandler and a FieldHandlerFactory. The
FieldHandlerFactory will prevent you from having to specify your
GeneralizedFieldHandler on every field that is a boolean. You can set
the FieldHandlerFactory directly on the Introspector as such:

 Marshaller m = new Marshaller(writer);
 ClassDescriptorResolverImpl cdr = new ClassDescriptorResolverImpl();

Hope that helps,


Mesut Celik wrote:

Hi all,

I wanna serialize boolean values of my objects as 0/1. I think one
possible way of doing so is writing Generalized Field handler.
Is there any other approach? or what is the best solution for such an issue?


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