If you build your custom XML as an org.exolab.castor.types.AnyNode instance, then you can just pass the root level AnyNode to the setMyXmlObj method.



Zach Calvert wrote:
I'm curious if there is a way to insert XML into an object being marshaled out by Castor.

Let's say I have just some object that I am inserting into an object that is generated by Castor from an XSD, and that XSD had an xs:any in it. So my object will have a "setAnyObject" function in it. Something like
  <xs:element name="myXmlObj">
           <xs:any minOccurs="0"/>

If I wanted my output to be

How could I do this? Would I have to generate my own XMLClassDescriptor? Is there an easy way to do this, where I could do something like myXmlObj.setAnyObject("MyContent that won't be encoded");? So that the < and > won't show up as &lt; and &gt; in the marshaled output?

Thank you,

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