Hi Landry,

It could be possible that there is another instance of 'Performer' created as a side effect of some other operation. One way to verify this is to inspect a list of dirty objects returned from 'DataContext.newObjects()' method right before commit. Another place to check for suspect objects is the list returned by 'DataContext.modifiedObjects()'.


On Apr 22, 2007, at 4:32 PM, Landry Soules wrote:


I have a strange problem wit my web app.
From time to time, i get a "ValidationException" when i submit a form.
Here is the trace :

org.apache.cayenne.validation.ValidationException: [v.2.0.2 January 14 2007] Validation has failed. Validation failure for eu.kwark.sql.Performer.toGender: "toGender" is required.
Validation failure for eu.kwark.sql.Performer.id: "id"  is required.
Validation failure for eu.kwark.sql.Performer.firstName: "firstName" is required.
Validation failure for eu.kwark.sql.Performer.dob: "dob"  is required.
Validation failure for eu.kwark.sql.Performer.lastName: "lastName" is required. at org.apache.cayenne.access.ObjectStoreGraphDiff.validateAndCheckNoop (ObjectStoreGraphDiff.java:112) at org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.flushToParent (DataContext.java:1209) at org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.commitChanges (DataContext.java:1130) at eu.kwark.inscription.InscriptionPerformer$1.onSubmit (InscriptionPerformer.java:88)

Here is the code executed in my submit :

tmpPerformer = (Performer) context.newObject(Performer.class);

Of course all these fields are filled !

Please can someone help me, or at least give me a hint about where i can search to solve my problem ?



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