Is it a problem from the modeler?

Per SQLServer docs:

"Every SQL Server stored procedure has a return value parameter (whether it is explicitly used or not)" which is called @return_value. I suspect that JDBC blows on implicit mapped @return_value. We can probably do something smarter about reverse engineering of SQLServer procedures to account for that (like removing an implicit return). Would you mind opening an improvement request in Jira?

The exception:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Operand type clash: int is
incompatible with cursor

I am not sure about this handling a refcursor OUT parameter - I need to try it for myself to be able to comment intelligently. Unfortunately I don't have time to look at it now either :-( For now you can try the same trick with removing the return value?


On May 15, 2007, at 10:53 AM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:


I removed the first parameter and the "returningValue" flag ... and
indeed it is working properly. I'm really surprised because I used the
"reengineer database schema" function to create the mapping file.

Is it a problem from the modeler?

I've another question for you.

In MS sqlserver, we have the following stored procedure:

CREATE procedure [dbo].[spTestGet2] @rs_cursor CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT
SET  @rs_cursor = CURSOR FOR select id, data, lastupdate, description
from tTest
OPEN @rs_cursor

Following mapping has been done using the modeler:
<procedure name="spTestGet2" schema="dbo" catalog="spp"
                <procedure-parameter name="@RETURN_VALUE" type="INTEGER"
                <procedure-parameter name="@rs_cursor" type="INTEGER"
length="4" direction="in_out"/>

By the way, for the "@return_value", I've the following warning: missing

I removed the first parameter in order to fix that warning.
Nevertheless, the performGenericQuery function throws an exception:
ProcedureQuery query = new ProcedureQuery("spTestGet2");
QueryResponse result = context.performGenericQuery(query);

The exception:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Operand type clash: int is
incompatible with cursor

For information, I'm using the "JTDS 1.2" driver.

Thank you for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrus Adamchik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: Stored procedure question ?

This doesn't make sense to me either. So what happens of you remove
the first parameter and set "returningValue" to false?


On May 14, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:

<procedure name="spViewCustomer" schema="dbo" returningValue="true">
  <procedure-parameter name="returnValue" type="INTEGER"
  <procedure-parameter name="id" type="INTEGER" direction="in"/>
  <procedure-parameter name="user" type="VARCHAR" length="25"


I've no problem with the "id" and "user" parameters. But I really
do not
understand why I have to set my "returnValue" as INTEGER with the
direction "IN"... I tried with other options but without any success.

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