On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 7:35 AM, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see, thanks, very useful.
>  Presumably Jexl has to be given class objects for any static methods
>  it needs to call?
>  Or are there any objects which are built-in to Jexl?

Doesn't matter, you can get access to any objects you need on the fly
with something like:

i = 0;
intClazz = i.class;
clazz = intClazz.forName("java.io.File");
m = clazz.getMethod("listRoots", null);
roots = m.invoke(null, null);
files = roots[0].listFiles();
foreach( file in files )
  // do something with the file

Just replace the java.io.File string with the class you are interested
in, and use the reflection api.


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